Short Stories & Flash Fiction
This story was published in Sixfold's Fall/Winter journal. It was born from a real-life story of a lion and bear trapped in a zoo in Mosul and the events that led to their rescue. I had been holding onto the idea for years because I thought it was too good an idea for me to match as a writer. Eventually, I just said to hell with it and wrote the damn thing. After a few aborted attempts, I decided to write the story from the lion's perspective as a kind of journal. I liked it so much, I kept it.
This is a story I submitted to for their Summer 2020 Fiction Contest. It was originally written for a flash fiction contest put on by NYCMidnight based on the prompts Drama/Medical Malpractice/Twins. I have been tinkering with it on and off for 2+ years to get it to it's final edit.
This was my round 1 submission to this year's flash fiction contest at NYCMidnight. Prompts were Fairy Tale/A Town Square/Walking cane. 1000 word max. Scored 12 points out of 15.
This was my round 2 submission to this year's flash fiction contest at NYCMidnight. Prompts were mystery / a condemned building /a ceiling fan. 1000 word max. Scored 15 points out of 15.
This was my round 3 submission to this year's flash fiction contest at NYCMidnight. Prompts were fairy tale / a warship /a stamp. 1000 word max. I think this one is going to come up a little short of getting me to the final round. Didn't quite reach my expectations.