With just a few days left until the end of October, I've managed to keep a solid pace on the days that I have written. Writing every day this month has been tougher than I would have expected, however, and as such I've had eight days this month where I wasn't able to add to my word count. I forgot that I would have a NYCMidnight writing prompt come up during this month, which stole three days of productivity away from me. Could I have done both? Sure, but time management and attention span are my two weaknesses, so I lost a three-day stretch. What this loss of time has done is created for me a situation where I'm having to dump out close to 4000 words a day to reach the 50k goal by the 30th. I actually think this is a good situation I've put myself in. I'm going to cruise into November acclimated to the kind of frenetic pace I'll need to hit my 75k goal. The whole purpose of this exercise has been to prepare for November, so even though I'm close to ten thousand words behind target, I'm still looking at the exercise as a terrific success. I'm writing more each day, my consistency is rock-solid, and I have a good morning routine. I'm feeling optimistic about November.
My only concern so far is that I haven't gotten nearly enough prep work done on the November plot. In my mind, you can never have enough prep, but I have found it difficult to carry my motivation through the afternoon once I hit my writing goal for the day. The result is that I have a fairly good idea of what I'm going to write, but far too much is still a blurry, foggy mess of ideas.
The good news is, I think I have a workaround for this. The story I'm writing for November is told from the perspectives of the two main characters. Each day, I'll be dedicating my writing to a different character, alternating back and forth between the two. The desired effect is a kind of 'extra' day of prep every day. Not to mention getting to hop back and forth will keep things a little fresher for me, creatively speaking.
I expect I'll have one more post this month, a wrap-up type post on Halloween as I get ready for the biggest writing challenge I've ever committed to.